Game Day Guide

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Guide For

Game Days

CLCF Soccer Players

We strive to make your child’s experience with CLCF Soccer a positive, educational, but most of all FUN experience. Below you will find some helpful tips to help make the season positive for all.

All games are played at the Chafee Sports Complex on Hope Road in Western Cranston. If you are using a GPS, 450 Hope Road, Cranston, works pretty well. You can learn more about our facilities including the field layouts and locations here.

CLCF Soccer runs a concession stand, great for a snack, early lunch, a coffee fix, or if you forgot to bring a drink for your players – please stop by! We are always looking for volunteers to help in the stand. Please contact us for more information

It helps the coach, as well as everyone’s stress level, to arrive at the field at least 20-30 minutes earlier than the scheduled start. This will give you time to find your team/field, settle in and for your player to warm-up prior to their match. With baseball running in the spring, parking can be tight at the complex, arriving early will also give you time to find a spot to park. Before leaving for your game, make sure to check here for weather related cancellations. Soccer is played in all sorts of weather – but we do keep in mind player safety – if there is no cancellation here, then we are playing games.

Game Day


  • Cheer on the team and all players, please no coaching from the sidelines;
  • Encourage, don’t discourage, our refs – they are learning too;
  • Please sit back at least 3 feet from the side lines;
  • Please stay clear of end lines and the goals.
  • Please help do you part keeping the facilities clean. Volunteers clean-up after games so your consideration is appreciated.


Items to Bring

Your player(s) – with proper equipment and no jewelry;

  • Soccer ball;
  • Water or a sports drink;
  • Folding chair;
  • Umbrella and sunscreen.
  • For the comfort and safety of all, please leave pets at home. Dogs are prohibited per city ordinance.
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CLCF Soccer is here to encourage and teach players good sportsmanship and teamwork. We look forward to a great season and wish all players and teams the best of luck!