Cancellation Policy

Grunge Texture
Grunge Texture


CLCF Soccer Leadership and/or the Cranston Parks & Recreation Department will make the determination of whether to cancel games or not. If we cancel a game we will try and make it up. Please do not send emails to CLCF Soccer the night before or morning of a game as we simply cannot reply to all of the emails.

If we decide to cancel games we will do so the night before if the weather is really bad and the fields are already unplayable; or as early in the morning as possible if it could be ok to play. Soccer is played in all types of weather so rain or cold weather are not necessarily causes for cancellation. Our objective is to play if it is safe to do so. If it’s cold, dress the players in layers that can be removed as they warm-up. All clothing must be under their uniform and hooded sweatshirts will not be allowed.

If we cancel games we will email all coaches and all registered players with notification. The website and Facebook page will also have notifications posted. Please check your emails and visit the website and/or Facebook page.


CLCF rarely makes blanket field closures; rather we expect coaches to use their judgment. Soccer is played in all types of weather so rain is not necessarily cause for cancellation. If it’s raining heavily then plan to cancel. If it’s rained for the last day or more, then light rain on the day of your practice might make the fields too wet. Any lightning is cause for cancelling or stopping as noted below:

30/30 Lightning Rule for Postponing Activity and Returning to Activity

Most experts recommend that outdoor athletic events should be postponed when the thunderstorm approaches from a distance of six miles. The best way to gauge the distance of a thunderstorm is to measure the elapsed time from the flash to bang. Since a count of five seconds approximates a distance of one mile, a count of 30 seconds equals a distance of six miles. In most cases, when you can hear thunder, you are no longer safe. All individuals should have left the fields and reached a safe shelter or location by the time the elapsed flash to bang reaches a count of 30 seconds. If you can’t see lightning, just hearing the thunder is a good back-up rule. It is then recommended that you stay off the fields for a period of 30 minutes as long as you don’t see lightning or hear thunder again during that time.