CLCF Soccer

Referee Program

Grunge Texture




8:30 AM, 9:30AM, 10:30AM, 11:00AM
Select / Academy





The “Referee” program occurs twice a year at the time of our Fall and Spring Developmental programs. Classes are held once a week at the CLCF Building on Pontiac Avenue in Cranston. Any child who is an active member of CLCF may take advantage of this course, free of charge. The course teaches the 17 “Laws of the Game” and how to apply these laws to the game of soccer. The students will referee actual games that are played in our Developmental program. The instructor holds a certification to teach the Laws of the Game. The students will be paid for the games that they officiate at the end of the season. Please contact the Referee Coordinator for more information.

In CLCF there are three (3) levels of referees:  Novice, Intermediate and Advanced.  The determination of the assignment of level for each referee rests with the Director of the CLCF Referee Program.  Referees are evaluated annually.

Novice:  New referees including inexperienced second-year referees.  All new referees begin at this level.

Intermediate:  Experienced Referees with at least one year at the Novice level. Minimum requirement:  Competent refereeing of the most competitive level game in the Under 10 Division.  Advanced level referees will be assigned to Under 12 and Under 14 Division games unless they also play in these divisions.

Advanced:  Very experienced referees with at least two years in the CLCF Referee Program.  Minimum requirements include demonstrated ability to competently referee the most competitive Under 14 Division game and one or both of the following qualifications:  1. Successful completion of the USSF Referees Test;  2. Demonstrated competence to instruct Novice Referees on the field during a game.

Program Information:

There is no fee for this program.  However, all referees are required to purchase their own referee uniforms.  The required items are:


Required of all referees.

  • Shirt: Short sleeve Gold with Black Stripes.
  • Shorts: Black with no white stripes. CLCF player’s shorts are acceptable if they are solid black.
  • Socks: Black with three (3) white stripes above the calf.
  • Whistle: At least two (2) preferably with different sounds.
  • Game Record Folder with pen or pencil. (Always carry 2 pens or pencils)
  • Caution/Ejection Cards:  Red and Yellow (Enclosed in a game record folder is the best.)
  • Sweatshirt: Black or Gold to wear under the shirt in cold weather.  (polar fleece is best; avoid cotton)
  • Warm insulation shorts may be worn under the referee shorts as long as they do not show.
  • Wristwatch with a stopwatch in it.
Fee Schedule

Referees in CLCF are paid to judge games based on position and experience level. A fee schedule is distributed as part of the referee meeting sessions.

Required of all Intermediate and Advanced Referees.
All of the above PLUS:
Long sleeve Gold with Black stripes.  Recommended: water/wind resistant.
Not Acceptable
No referee may wear a hat of any kind or long pants of any kind during a game. This is a USSF regulation.
Referee Classes:
Wednesdays at 7:00 until 8:00 throughout the soccer season.
Your weekly attendance is expected and demonstrates your commitment and reliability to be a referee.
Classes will cover the following topics:
  1. What is a referee?
  2. What are the responsibilities of a referee?
  3. What is the authority of a referee?
  4. What are the limitations of a referee?
  5. What is the role of the referee before, during and after the game?
  6. How does the referee demonstrate command of the field and game by his/her very presence?
  7. What are the rules of soccer?
  8. How does the referee enforce the rules?
  9. How does the referee penalize infractions of the rules?
  10. How does the referee protect players from injury?
  11. What is the referee’s role when a player is injured?
  12. Where does the referee position himself/herself during different parts of the game?
  13. How does the referee deal with players?  With coaches?  With spectators?
  14. How does the referee deal with disagreements and difficult situations?
Classes will consist of instruction followed by question and answer sessions. Field experiences will be used as case study situations so all may learn from others’ mistakes and successes. It is expected that as a youth referee you will make mistakes; it is also expected that as a dedicated referee student you will learn from your mistakes. It takes time and experience to develop complete confidence in yourself as a referee. You must be patient and willing to learn and willing to take criticism in the process.
You will be given a copy of the rules as they apply to CLCF Soccer. It is not the official USSF rule book. You are to bring this rule book with you to all classes. There are spaces for you to write notes. You must also bring a pen or pencil to every class.
New referees will be assigned games beginning with the third week of the season. You will have an experienced referee with you as a tutor for the first game (or more if necessary). They are there to help you. Ask them questions and pay careful attention to what they do when they are refereeing.

Go to other games and watch the referee. What do they do? Where do they position themselves on the field? How do they control the game? How would you referee the game differently? Watch the game as a referee, not as a player or spectator.

Game Assignments:
Games are assigned during the meetings. The more experienced referees are assigned first.  If you are not present you will not receive games.
If you play on a team have your schedule with you so that you will know when you are or are not available to ref a game. If you are assigned a game you are expected to be there. Your promptness and dedication will determine your future assignments.
Should a problem arise after you have been assigned as game you must contact the Referee Coordinator by Thursday before the game. You must speak to him. If he’s not home leave a message, however, you must speak with someone. Do not assume a message will be received. If all else fails contact one of the other referees and get a substitute for yourself.